Wealth Building

Does For Sale By Owner Work

Do you know, you can save enough money by selling your home alone, and even keep the real estate commission in your pocket? When a home owner sells or buys a home without contacting a real estate agent, the commission he or she was to pay to a real estate agent is saved. By using the “for sale by owners”…

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Web Hosting

Personal Development Coaching

How is it that you can have two home business owners of similar intelligence and backgrounds who are armed with the same strategies and tools and both get dramatically different results? One home business owner succeeds and prospers while the other struggles year and year and never really gets anything major to happen. There is one common thread that leads…

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Why Hybrid Car Drivers Need Thick Skin

Buying a hybrid car is more than a calculated decision to save fuel. It is a statement about “saving the planet”. Even if the chances are pretty slim that hybrid technology will actually make much difference, it gives hybrid owners the right to feel superior. After all, they care about the planet. And the rest of the world obviously doesn’t.…

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Chase Online Banking

Chase online banking is a small business’s most useful financial resource. Most small businesses start with a great idea. The person behind the idea feels confident that the idea is sound and that there’s a demand. He or she then sets out to turn the idea into the latest must-have craze. What many small business owners don’t know a lot…

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Dog House Building And Buying Guide

Dog owners have to consider several factors when buying or building a house for their pets. As a true member of your own family, providing your pet with the best home possible is of the utmost importance. i. Size A German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Rottweiler and other large dogs should have large houses, while the Chihuahua and smaller breeds will…

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Travel Tips

Yes You Too Can Take A Vacation

Surveys are interesting. I took note of this one done recently by American Express because it backed up some data I learned at the (National Association of Female Executives) NAFE National Conference in May. According to the survey, 40% of the smallest business owners – those with less than $200,000 in annual revenues – are planning no vacation whatsoever this…

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Fitting Memorial For Your Pet

To many loving pet owners losing a pet is like losing a member of the family. Many pets are loyal friends and companions and offer their owners unconditional love and comfort that is almost impossible to get from a human. Grieving for the loss of a friend or family member is expected and understood and yet many feel that they…

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