Health Fitness

When Parenthood Remains Elusive

Newlyweds who dream of having their own family may find it frustrating that after more than a year of unprotected lovemaking, the dream remains far from becoming a reality. Infertility has blocked the path to a fulfilling family life, of motherhood or fatherhood. And the question of about when the baby will come becomes a stressful thing to deal with…

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Womens Issues

A Quick Guide On How To Get Pregnant

Congratulations! So you’ve decided to take the big step into becoming a parent. While it is one of the most important things a person can do in their life, it is also the most challenging and the first challenge is conceiving. Many people assume that once they stop taking contraception they will immediately conceive. Our bodies are slightly more complicated…

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Health Fitness

The Cause Of Infertility By Nguang Nguek Fluek

About 6. 1 million persons are affected by cause of infertility, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, and of this symbol halfway 40% are due to problems which influence manhood and more 40% due to problems which consequence female. The remaining 20 % are related to alien causes. The ones that influence female, ace is an ample skein…

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Health Fitness

The Positive And Negative Effects Of Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills are the most commonly used contraceptive method, followed by the condom and the withdrawal method. It is a daily pill that contains hormones aimed to change the way the body works and limit, if not eliminate, the chances of pregnancy. It is usually a combination of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. When combined in the right…

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Health Fitness

What Is A Fibroid

Fibroids are one of the most common bening tumors of the female genital tracts. One female out of every four is amenable to uterine fibroids No one is certain accurately about what causes them, but generally they reduce in size after menopause, so estrogen levels may be a main factor. They are primarily associated with peri-menopause- the time before menopause-…

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Childbirth is a momentous occasion, whether a first born or the seventh. The health and upbringing of a newborn is dependent on mother’s preparedness on how she handles this delicate issue. We can read or watch videos of childbirth but it is experience that carries weight. The first step is to understand female anatomy and how it works during different…

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Increase Your Chances Of Having A Baby

When you have decided you want a baby, get your body ready: * Take folic acid in supplement form, 400mcg a day, or it can be found in some foods like cornflakes. * Cut down on your caffeine intake. * If you’ve come off the pill, there’s some dispute about how long you should wait before trying to conceive, but…

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Health Fitness

What Is Clomid Clomiphene Citrate

Clomid-Clomiphene Citrate is commonly prescribed oral medicinal drug to increase the chances of becoming pregnant. This fertility drug can be given to certain women having difficulty with getting pregnant, typically due to ovulation issues, for example irregular or poor ovulation. A few women fail to get pregnant after tubal reversal surgery as they don’t produce and discharge eggs on a…

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