Article Writing

Writing Articles 3 Steps To Help You Get Started

Do you have trouble getting started writing an article? One of the toughest obstacles in article writing is actually starting the article writing process. No matter how many articles we write, it is something we want to avoid because we sometimes don’t know where to start. Since article writing has become a form of marketing that almost anyone can do…

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Write In Chunks To Write Effectively

Professional writers are often admired or envied for the end products they create. Yet, few look at the process of writing as an exciting career choice. And, for good reason. It can be difficult to sit for hour after hour, putting words onto pages. But, few professional writers actually spend all their time writing – instead they get a few…

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The Importance Of A College Admissions Letter

The admissions letter or essay is often weighed just as heavily as the other elements of your application, if not more so. Why? The admissions letter allows admissions officers to learn more about you and your personality than is shown through your test scores. Additionally, the admissions letter shows your critical thinking and writing skills, which are important for college.…

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