Web Hosting

Organizing Your Kitchens

It is really a pleasure to cook in a kitchen that is well organized and has nice pots and pans in the cabinets. Some people prefer to hang their pots and pans from the ceiling so that they can grab them and go with the flow of their fast paced kitchen environment. There may be tiered racks filled with garlic…

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Should You Hire A Professional Organizer Or Do It Yourself

A lot of people ask me if it’s really worth hiring a professional organizer or if you’re better off doing it yourself. Both are valuable options, but either way you should understand the specific steps and strategies to having a more organized home, making little changes gradually to simplify life at home. Well at first glance having someone do things…

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Time Management

All In A Days Work In 2 Easy Steps

Is your list of tasks and projects getting bigger by the day? It seems that your day is out of control. You know what I mean? The phone is ringing off the hook. Your emails are piling up. Your desk is becoming a mess. Papers are stacking up. You go from task to task. You are eating lunch at your…

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