
Aromatherapy Using Essential Oils For Good Health

Even before the term alternative medicine was formally used, aromatherapy was already being practiced 5000 years ago by Egyptians. At that time, oil was extracted from aromatic plants through infusion and used for embalming, cosmetics and medicinal purposes. This knowledge was passed on to the Greeks and served as the basis for more discoveries, including the relaxing and stimulating effects…

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Health Fitness

Diet But Know Your Fats

Margarine, butter, other spreading fats and low fat spreads, cooking oils, oil-based salad dressings, mayonnaise, cream, fried foods including fried chips, chocolate, crisps, biscuits, pastries, cake, puddings, ice-cream, rich sauces and gravies are all in this food group because they contain fat. Like carbohydrates, fats contain the elements Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Fats are used as a source of energy:…

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Health Fitness

Steps To A Great Self Adminstered Scalp Massage

A SELF-ADMINSTERED SCALP MASSAGE is a great way to enhance hair health. Scalp massages not only feel good, they enhance hair health by improving circulation and allowing more blood to flow to the scalp area. This eventually leads to shinier, healthier hair. The first step is to decide if you want to use scalp oil. The best oils for a…

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Lavender Essential Oil Recipe Ideas For The Handmade Cosmetic Crafter

When it comes to manufacturing handmade cosmetics one ingredient no crafter should be without is lavender essential oil. Lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia) posses antibacterial proprieties, is gentle to both dry and oily skin, and has the ability to relieve such conditions as muscle pain, insomnia, headaches, burns, bug bites, eczema, psoriasis, and acne making it the most versatile of…

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