
Sight Saving Tips For Viewing Fireworks

Fireworks displays are one of the most recognizable symbols of Independence Day. But there are risks, warns Lions Clubs International, a worldwide service organization dedicated to the conservation of sight. Each year, thousands of people across the country suffer serious eye injuries because of fireworks, and nearly three-quarters of those injuries occur around the July Fourth holiday. About 2,000 eye…

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Health Fitness

Going Out Of Your Head

There are people who can tell when they are about to have migraine. These people usually see bright shimmering lights around objects, zigzag lines or wavy images. Others experience hallucinations or temporary loss of vision. What is Migraine? Migraine is a condition described as a very painful type of headache, with a throbbing and pulsating pain intensified by routine physical…

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Disease Illness

Sleep Disorder The Night Phantom

Sleep apnea is a condition when you stop breathing for a short interval repeatedly during sleep. Apnea means “Without Breath” in Greek; the word aptly describes the condition of patients suffering from sleep apnea. You may have breathing difficulty while sleeping, which may break your sleep also. Sleep apnea may cause high blood pressure, chances of stroke, impotence etc. This…

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Keeping Current Of N A S C A R Action

One of the best ways that a NASCAR fan can stay in touch with the action of NASCAR racing is by attending the races, sitting in the stands and spending a marvelous race day with wonderful people and watching the action for themselves in the best seats that anyone could buy. If a road trip is not feasible on race…

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They Said Asbestos Was Safe

Any material that contains less than one percent asbestos is considered non-regulated. Experts estimate that there has been an 83 percent increase in imports of asbestos brakes and brake material over the past 10 years. IJOEH provides essential background material for the fight for a global asbestos ban. To avoid potential exposure, only trained and state certified employees may remove,…

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Health Fitness

Mistreated Strep Throat In Adults Can Lead To Complications

Strep throat isn’t considered to be a serious illness. Many people get strep throat on the premises of improper hygiene, decreased body resistance to illness, fatigue or unhealthy diet. All these factors facilitate the development of infections with the bacteria responsible for causing strep throat. Although people with a weak immune system are more likely to get strep throat, the…

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Understanding Your Dreams

The meaning of dreams has been of interest to mankind throughout history. Dreams come to us in a variety of forms that range from frightening to erotic. We experience images, sounds, sensations, and voices in our dreams that we are unable to influence or control. Do our dreams have special meanings? Are they brought on by incidents that have affected…

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Disease Illness

Tropical Yaws

Yaws, a tropical infection of the skin, bones and joints is usually caused by the bacterium spirochete. Yaws is easily and quickly transmitted by skin contact with infected individuals. The Bacteria enters through an existing cut or similar damage to the skin. Usually less than a month but within ninety days of infection with Yaws a painless but vivid “Parent…

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Health Fitness

Understanding Gout Attacks

Gout predominantly affects middle age and elderly people, rarely occurring in young adults or children. Although it occurs in both sexes, gout has the highest incidence in the male gender. Women usually develop the disease at more advanced stages of life, particularly after menopause. Gout is a disease that generates symptoms similar to those of rheumatoid arthritis. Common symptoms experienced…

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Wealth Building

Top 5 Facts On Credit Card Identity Theft

What exactly is credit card identity theft, how is it used and how can you prevent it? In this article we will look at ten facts you need to know about credit card identity theft in order to better protect yourself and prevent the loss of substantial amounts of money. The first fact that we want to look at is…

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