
Get Organised Now!

Are you a fire-fighter? Many clever confident people are held back in the main by a single weakness. They are totally disorganised. This can lead to procrastination, fire-fighting and eventually total failure. Diagnosis is the first step to recovery. If you can recognise this weakness in yourself, you can take steps to eliminate this disadvantage. If you are disorganised you…

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Find a Job Now!

Are you in desperate search of a new job? Don’t worry; I’ve certainly been there myself. It can be difficult finding the right job to suit your interests and pay the bills. I mean, we all want a career that allows us to kick back with our 1000 dollar shoes up on the desk and gaze happily out at a…

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New Job Blues … Now What?

You’ve landed what you thought was the job of your dreams. Each stage of the interview went smoothly – you sold them on your skills and expertise, and your prospective boss sold you on the position and benefits of joining the company. He/she seemed excited about extending an offer. And then, with offer in hand, it was thrilling to give…

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