
Negotiations The Art Science Sport Of Online Deals

Negotiations can seem as complex as physics, and in fact, people go to college to study the science of negotiating just as they would the laws of nature. At the same time, negotiation is like an ancient art form, some sort of Zen mental jujitsu. When neither the Zen nor the science works, though, no one wins. Just ask any…

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Web Hosting

5 Tips For Successful Negotiation

It does not matter whether it is a pro or a con. The people will always have something to negotiate for. Negotiation will always come out whenever there is something to bargain for, whether you want to achieve something in your present career, when you want to deal with other people, or simply win out a good buy in a…

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Real Estate

Negotiating Real Estate Go Slow

Why should you sometimes go slow when negotiating real estate deals? It’s all about the power of time investment. Let me explain with a story. One of my less-pleasant experiences selling real estate was when I sold a home for a real decent guy, and the buyer was a lawyer. I was new to real estate, and this lawyer knew…

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Web Hosting

5 Tips For Successful Negotiation

It does not matter whether it is a pro or a con. The people will always have something to negotiate for. Negotiation will always come out whenever there is something to bargain for, whether you want to achieve something in your present career, when you want to deal with other people, or simply win out a good buy in a…

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Trucks Suvs

Dealing With Car Salespeople

Dealing with automotive salespeople is probably the most painful part of the car buying process for just about everyone. But, alas, it is this part of the car buying puzzle that is all but inevitable. Spending a few hours (and especially a large part of your day) conversing and dealing with a car salesperson can be a daunting task. No…

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