Goal Setting

Reconditioning The Narcissist

Question: You seem to be very sceptical that someone with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder can be treated successfully. Answer: The Narcissistic Personality Disorder has been recognised as a distinct mental health diagnosis a little more than two decades ago. There are few who can honestly claim expertise or even in-depth understanding of this complex condition. No one knows whether therapy…

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Health Fitness

Narcissism Is Your Child In A Path To Self Destruction

Do you look in the mirror to admire yourself more often that normal people would? Do you believe that you’re more important person than everybody else? Do people say that you’re self-centered and you believe that it’s okay to be like that? Once there was a boy named Narcissus In Greek mythology, there was a boy named Narcissus. He was…

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder Prevalence And Comorbidity

What is the Difference between Healthy Narcissism and the Pathological Kind? In my book “Malignant Self Love – Narcissism Revisited”, I define pathological narcissism as: “(A) life-long pattern of traits and behaviors which signify infatuation and obsession with one’s self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one’s gratification, dominance and ambition.” Luckily for…

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