Alternative Medicine

Magic Mushrooms Almost Illegal In The Netherlands

The Dutch Minister Of Health, after conducting some studies on magic mushrooms or ‘shrooms’ which concluded that these mushrooms aren’t at all hazardous to the public health, still decided that they should be declared illegal. A remarkable decision, because although many experts affirm that the effects experienced from psilocybin are caused by a poisonous nature of the compound, the National…

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The Benefits Of Mushrooms For Your Health

Mushrooms are valuable health food – low in calories, high in vegetable proteins, chitin, iron, zinc, fiber, essential amino acids, vitamins & minerals. Mushrooms also have a long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Their legendary effects on promoting good health and vitality and increasing your body’s adaptive abilities have been supported by recent studies. These studies suggest that…

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Grilled Mushrooms And Shrimp A La Grecque Lemony Grilled Mushrooms And Shrimp Make A Quick Delicious Meal

You can pretend you’re vacationing in Greece with this grilled lemon-and-garlic-flavored shrimp and mushroom dish served on warm pita bread. Anytime you’re grilling, remember that fresh mushrooms are perfect partners for all sorts of grilling favorites, including beef, seafood and vegetables. In addition to flavor, mushrooms pack a surprising amount of nutrition, contributing to our daily intake of riboflavin, niacin…

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Food Beverage

Fabulous Food Fungi

Mushrooms. Earthy, elegant, rich, meaty….. Extraordinary. Mushrooms fall into the love/hate category. You either love ‘em or …… not so much. Kinda like George W, Eminem, country music, and Jim Carey. No middle ground. Regardless of which group you inhabit, mushrooms have long been the subject of great fascination. They are found the world over and date back throughout man’s…

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