Computers Technology

Spike Lee Top Films And Unforgettable Controversies

Spike Lee is one of the most influential and provocative American moviemakers. Recently, he celebrated the 20 year anniversary for the release of his remarkable debut film Shes Gotta Have It. His films are groundbreaking in their controversial approach towards social and political issues and offer different perspective on race, class and gender issues in contemporary America. Spike Lee was…

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Top 3 Reasons Why Wool Is Back In Style

Let me let you in on a little secret. Wool is back (actually it never really left, as you’ll see below). Wool has been around for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. It still is a major industry in a lot of countries around the world (Australia and New Zealand come to mind), and it’s used in sweaters, socks and…

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Home Family

How Legalized Online Gambling Is Better For Society

The question we should be asking is, by banning online gambling are we going to make things better or worse? The answer to that question is simple, banning legalized and regulated online gambling in any form, just makes another way for organized crime to get a hold of peoples money, and then no one but the criminals win. If you…

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Health Fitness

Real Life Rambos Struggle With Ptsd

Rambo is a term that has become synonymous with gung-ho action and a persona that has become attached to the identity of movie action star Sylvester Stallone. Today, “Rambo” is a word that is used to denote military or individual aggression. It is also used to refer to a person who is heroic and, at the same, time capable of…

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Time Management

The True Meaning Of Nobility

My oldest son and I watched a movie from his great collection “Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.” There is a great quote in the movie which I was eager to use this week where Kevin Costner playing Robin Hood says, “Nobility is not a birth-right; it is defined by one’s actions.” The term “Nobility” refers to people who were “known”…

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The Artful Dodger Becomes Sexy The Rise Of Clive Owen

Clive Owen reportedly fell about laughing when Angelina Jolie told him that he looked sexy in “Beyond Borders”. This may have been news to the actor who used to be a big fan of David Bowie and changed his hair color every time the singer did. But the green-eyed, darkly handsome, very British actor attracts women audiences to every film,…

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Movie Reviews

Dawn Of The Dead Is A Bloody Good Time

Dawn of the Dead (2004) Tagline: “When there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.” I’d like to start this review by committing horror movie blasphemy. Ready? Here goes. George Romero’s original three Dead movies are overrated (I’m not even going to comment on the train wreck which is Land of the Dead). While entertaining, they…

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Home Improvement

How To Choose Suitable Home Theater Seating

Do not be surprised when you head over to your friend’s newly decked out home theater to discover that he has literally substituted lawn chairs (yes, the squeaking fold-out aluminum kind) for those plush leather home theater loungers you had been expecting. When it comes to setting up a home theater, last on the list of required accessories is usually…

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Network Marketing Advertising We Have Vision

Do you ever watch a movie that you think is excellent and wonder why movies like Titanic are the ones to captivate the attention of the greater public? Well, I don’t. People are ridiculous and their taste in music and movies is even worse. But, if there was a case point that we could discuss for a moment, the movie…

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