Current Events

Vojvodina The Hungarian Kosovo

In October 2005, Parliamentary Assembly of Europe members tabled a draft resolution castigating the human rights situation in the province of Vojvodina. As EU accession looms larger for Serbia and Montenegro, such resolutions are bound to proliferate. Vojvodina is widely regarded as a test case and the touchstone of Serbia’s post-Milosevic reforms. Milosevic is still a hate figure in Vojvodina.…

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Real Estate

Buying Property In Montenegro

As with purchasing a property in any country, you must make yourself aware of the formalities and “peculiarities” of the foreign market. Property prices. Without an official price index, many properties are advertised with a price that is determined by what the vender wants rather than by a market value. If you find a property in a particularly popular area…

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Serbia And Montenegro Casinos

Serbia and Montenegro are both countries in Eastern Europe. They were both republics of Yugoslavia until their union in 2003. Casinos are the only legalized gambling in the two countries. Serbia and Montenegro are divided into three cities that have eight casinos in total. Belgrade, one of the cities within Serbia and Montenegro, has six casinos, the most across the…

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