Web Hosting

Productivity Linked To Clean Desks

It may not be a surprise that recent studies have shown that people with clean desks tend to be, well, more productive. Thirty-three percent more productive to be exact. Is it because they have less work to clutter up their desktops? Hardly. The study also measured productivity in relation to organization skills and those who stay better organized, not only…

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Choosing A Baby Monitor

A baby monitor is an essential purchase for expectant parents, as it will give you the peace of mind of being able to check on your sleeping baby wherever you are in your home. Unfortunately, these monitors are the kind of device which you are unlikely to have any experience of until the time comes when you need one, and…

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Baby Monitors Explained

Baby monitors are an essential part of baby gear. When you have the baby asleep in the crib, you don’t have to keep constantly checking to make sure that he/she is all right when you have a baby monitor. You have one part of the monitor in the nursery and the other in the same room of the house where…

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Monitor Children On The Internet

It is a fact that many children today have access to the World Wide Web which allows them to be in touch with a lot of information that is exposed every day in our society throughout this media. If you have children, it is very important that you have some sort of monitoring so that you may be able to…

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Home Family

An Alternative To A Kitchen Tv

A LCD or plasma television in the kitchen is the ‘in thing’ nowadays. It is fast becoming common place to find a television set that has been permanently installed into the kitchen as a feature. The reason why is simple. They look great with their slim features and they can be mounted anywhere where there is a little space, whether…

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Helping Parents Keep Kids Safe On The Internet

Are your kids safe online? If you think they are, you may want to think again. Recent studies reveal some shocking statistics. One in five young Internet users received an online sexual solicitation during a one-year period; and almost one in three gave out their home address. Like most parents, you probably want to protect your children, but feel you…

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National Security Expert Offers Tips For After School Safety

Smart parents know to do their homework today when it comes to home safety and security during the school year, especially if kids are coming home to an empty house. “With more kids today ‘home alone,’ there really are some golden rules parents should follow to make the home a safe and secure place,” said Bob Stuber, nationally acclaimed security…

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