Health Fitness

Labor Pain Relief For New Moms

Having a baby is an exciting period especially for first-time moms. But alongside this excitement is the looming uncertainty of what they will experience during childbirth. According to experts, giving birth is easy enough – it is the labor that hurts the most. Drugs can deaden the pain but if natural childbirth is preferred, Lamaze classes and seminars can certainly…

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Womens Issues

Secrets Of Happy Moms

Have you ever noticed how some Moms seem to be very contented and confident in their role as Mothers, and others seem chronically stressed and approaching burnout? Why are some Moms unflappable and able to keep their sense of humor, while others overreact to the slightest stressors in their day? I’m currently observing and interviewing these happy Moms as I…

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Web Hosting

Working Through Distractions For Work At Home Moms

Work at home moms are highly susceptible to distractions while working. There are the obvious distractions that small children can provide, however when working from home, friends and family can often stop by to say hello. When this happens, it can mean that the day’s work can get further behind. This does not mean that work at home moms cannot…

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Gift Baskets Popular For Expectant And New Mothers

I’ve been to a lot of baby showers and births lately. From my daughter-in-laws second child in three years to a family friend’s and even my younger sister’s, I’ve had plenty of opportunity to ponder what makes a great gift for an expectant or new mother. After reading facial expressions from multiple mothers and mothers to be as well hearing…

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