Health Fitness

Oily Vs Dry Choosing What Skin Care Treatment To Use

An unknown student once wrote on his desk, “You can’t face your problem if your problem is your face.” Though intended only for humor, this curious statement may mean a lot to those who are bothered by imperfections on their faces especially their skin. Often, people complain about having pimples, wrinkles or blemishes and are baffled with what to do…

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So What S In A Moisturizer

Moisturizers are used by millions of people to restore the moisture level that is found naturally in their skin. As people go through life and face a variety of activities, the skin’s natural layer of protective lipids gets worn away. The result is dry skin and it can be uncomfortable or painful depending on which degree a person has it.…

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Relieving Dry Skin And Winter Itch

The winter air can leave a chill in the air and on our skin that chaps and chafes our skin. And, the additional heat, can warm our hearts and our home, but dry out the air and again, our skin, leaving it dehydrated and dry. And, in both cases we can experience a common condition known as winter itch. According…

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Health Fitness

Masculine Skin Care For The Summer

You agree – you’d rather die than be caught by your buddies stepping into a spa or salon. Growing up with a crowd that defines skin care as soap and water, you are afraid to admit that you want better skin. No matter how much you diss the so-called metrosexuals (brave souls!) for their skin regimens that rival ladies’, you…

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