Home Improvement

Roofing Shingle Warranties What You Don T Know Might Hurt You

The Basic Warranty Regardless of which roofing shingles you choose, they should comply with government standards and have a minimum warranty that the shingle will perform as promised. Warranties usually range from 15 to 40 years, but there are an increasing number of shingles available with a lifetime warranty. While roofing shingle warranties are often considered standard, there can be…

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Home Improvement

Want To Stop A Third Of The Energy Loss From Your Home

Many people don’t insulate their basement walls because they mistakenly believe that the soil outside does the insulating for them. Unfortunately, soil is not a good insulator and heat loss from your basement can account for over one third of the total heat loss from your home. Done properly, basement insulation will not only reduce heat loss, but it will…

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Trucks Suvs

Air Compressors Need Clean Air Too

The air we breathe everyday is full of contamination. It has water vapor and airborne particulates that we inhale into our lungs. The vast majority is not harmful and we barely notice that its even there. However, to your air compressor these harmless contaminants can become quite harmful due to the compression process. During the compression process an air compressor…

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Why Short Hair Cuts Are Sexy

Now, First of all, What is Hair Made of? Hair is composed primarily of proteins (88%). These proteins are of a hard fibrous type known as keratin. Keratin protein is comprised of what we call “polypeptide chains.” The word, polypeptide, comes from the Greek word “poly” meaning many and “peptos” meaning digested or broken down. In essence, if we break…

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Health Fitness

Excess Humidity Leads To Mold

Everyone’s heard about the effect mold and mildew can have on a home, or more importantly, a homeowner’s pocketbook. But, you say, how bad can it really be? In 2002, insurers paid $2.5 billion in mold-related claims under homeowner policies, up $1.3 billion from the year before. Moisture can damage carpets, wood flooring, furnishings, drywall and interior woodwork, causing mold,…

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Home Improvement

Preventing Water Damage In The Bathroom

The frequent use of water in the bathroom makes it extremely vulnerable for moist accumulation and potential water damage. By inspecting it regularly, you can reduce water related damages. The following set of inspections is easy to perform and should be done once in every three months in order to keep your bathroom in good shape and to prevent potential…

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Take Care Of Your Skin This Winter

Dry, itchy skin affects more than 80 percent of Americans and can be most prevalent during the cold winter months – when humidity and temperature drop – making skin particularly vulnerable to dryness and cracking. “Frigid temperatures and low humidity can contribute to dry, winter skin,” says New York City dermatologist Dr. Diane Berson. “It is important to take extra…

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The Health Benefits Of Tofu Food

Vegetarians have long reported the benefits of tofu food – a soy product that is often used as a meat alternative in a variety of dishes. But the benefits of tofu food have reached beyond the vegetarian community as more and more health-conscious eaters have turned their attention to this versatile product. Tofu food lends itself to a variety of…

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Womens Issues

A Rough Battle To Smoothen Your Dry Hair

Dry hair occurs mainly due to heat, the use of excessive chemicals applied on your hair and also by not taking good care of your hair. Every person’s hair has a certain amount of moisture which preserves your hair and does not let it dry. When certain level of moisture goes down due to many of the common reasons then…

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