Weight Loss

Why Most Of Your Diets Always Fail

Over the years, there has been millions and millions of people who have tried countless numbers of different diets to try and lose weight. Equally so, there has been millions and millions of people who failed at these diets. If all of these diets are supposed to be designed to make you lose weight, then why do most of them…

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Time Management

The Luxury Of Hopelessness

I had a very busy day. I’m sure you understand–food to buy and cook, laundry to clean, clients to see, money to earn. So when I received two emails each from Amnesty International and the International Rescue Committee imploring me to contact my senators and urge them to support sending UN peacekeeping forces to Darfur, rather than call I felt…

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Disease Illness

Why Marijuana Should Be Legal

Many Americans feel that Marijuana is helping fund the war on terror, but making a war on drugs and keeping Marijuana illegal has not stopped millions of Americans from smoking pot everyday. So what is the answer? First, why is Marijuana illegal? In the 1930’s William Randolph Hearst, who had significant financial interests in the timber industry testified to congress…

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