
Barbecuing A Quintessential American Tradition

Next to baseball, nothing says summer like the sizzling sounds, enticing aromas, and mouth-watering flavors of barbecuing. In fact, according to a recent survey commissioned by Hormel Foods and conducted by Harris Interactive What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0 Haha Haha 0 Sad Sad 0 Star Star 0 Weary Weary 0 0 Shares Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Gmail…

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Food Beverage

Stylish Ways To Dine Al Fresco

California is famous for its luxurious coastlines and the mild weather that graces the state almost year-round. And while the rest of the country looks forward to the few short months each year when they can entertain outdoors Californians are lucky enough to be able to celebrate outside all year long. In Italy, dining outdoors has long been embraced as…

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Food Beverage

Healthy Breakfast Foods

It is always surrounded by silly excuse of lack of time. And still no one denies that fact that “breakfast” is the most important meal of the day. Why such a hullabaloo about this early morning meal? Well, for starters, this meal comes after a break of 8 – 10 hours; hence your blood sugar level will be low. Since…

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Wine For The Rest Of Us

Many of us love wine, but lack the purse that allows for expensive, “fine” wines. For that matter, I have found that if I want to enjoy wine regularly (which I do), I can’t even afford $15 a bottle as that mounts up quickly in the old monthly budget. But fear not, budget oenophiles, good wines, even fine wines are…

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Fortunate Lemon Chicken

This is a delicious chicken meal for you to prepare at home. The lemon sauce is fresh and tangy and somehow I always end up eating too much :-). It takes a bit to prepare and is not the sort of thing you would want to cook each night of the week. However, it is worth the effort. I usually…

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Building A Better Body

Interestingly, when I made the comment that it’s easy for me [to get in shape], Shaun jumped into the conversation and emphatically stated… “It’s not easy. No way. It’s simple!” And you know what? He was right. It’s not easy to get into shape. To eat better. To train harder. To set a plan in place. Rather, it’s simple. It’s…

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Cookware Good Hygiene

Preparing a scrumptious meal for guest is a great accomplishment. Many people neglect one of the most important things and that is cleanliness. There are people who assume that personal hygiene is for cooks who work in restaurant kitchens. Personal hygiene is for everyone that prepares a meal for themselves or someone else. It would be a horror if one…

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Letting Your Dog Choose His Own Food

Spend time at any pet store and the choice of dog foods to feed your dog is in abundance. How do you know which to choose and which is good for your dog? The answer to that is simply, you do not, let your dog choose. Although there are some basics that are recommended. If you have purchased your dog…

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How To Combat Constipation

In persons who are fairly normal these changes may be brought about very quickly by regulation of the diet and a voluntary effort to move the bowels after each meal; but in persons who have been chronically constipated for years, other measures are necessary. Means must be employed to combat chronic constipation systematically and continuously. It is not proper, how-ever,…

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North America Gets Cheesy With Raclette Grills

Yes, the fondue pot of the 70’s was pretty cheesy, but in this century, nothing is more cheesy than raclette. In recent years fondue pots have experienced a resurgence in popularity, and with them has come the raclette grill. Though not traditionally well known in the US and Canada, raclette is suddenly experiencing a boom in popularity. Raclette is a…

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