Computers Technology

Meade Telescopes Where Quality Counts

When aspiring astronomers look for quality optics that will let them peer into the unknown reaches of void, Meade telescopes are an excellent choice. With a wide variety of telescopes, mounts, and filters available, Meade provides options for the backyard stargazer and the serious student alike. Which is why Meade telescopes are trusted the world over. Meade grew from very…

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Product Reviews

Meade Ext90pe Premiere Edition Now Under 1000

The Meade ext90pe premiere edition, much like its newer version ext105PE, is made expressly for stargazing. This great telescope retails for under $1000, although as an older version it’s somewhat difficult to find the Meade ext90pe premiere edition, except used. Until the Meade ext90pe came along the two biggest difficulties for an amateur astronomer were aligning their telescope and then…

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Meade Etx 105 Review

This Meade etx 105 review will give you some insight into what a particular camera and telescope expert had to speak of regarding Meade etx telescopes. Let’s see what this Meade etx 105 review tells us. Costing $879.00, the Meade etx 105 review is evaluated by a astronomy expert. He also explains information about the ETX-90AT and the ETX-125AT. All…

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