
Mayor Villaraigosa Shares Control Of The Los Angeles Schools

Last month, I wrote in an article about Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa proposing a legislative bill to take control of the Los Angeles schools (see Los Angeles Schools Strongly Opposed to Takeover by Mayor Villaraigosa). Reform Bill 1381 passed the state legislature at the end of August, with some changes. Villaraigosa, who portrayed himself as the one person who…

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Mayor Reorganizes New York City Schools Again

Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave his State of the City speech recently and included some unexpected changes for the New York City schools that could profoundly change their current operation. Though the pre-speech release noted that his speech would focus on tax cuts, many were caught by surprise on what could be called only his second reorganization of the New York…

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What Grabs Your Reader

It is the dramatic question that grabs your reader and holds him or her. It creates a narrow path that forces the reader into suspense that won’t let go. It moves the story forward. All bestseller-kind-of novels have it. Have you noticed that untrained eyes want you to explain everything in that first line, first paragraph. But it is the…

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