Book Reviews

Book Review A History Of The World In 6 Glasses

World History is a long and complex topic. Though many accomplished authors such as Bill Bryson and H. G. Wells have attempted to condense history into a single book, very few have succeeded. There is just too much of it. Attempts to boil down the last 10,000 years have resulted in either superficial books with very little depth, or great…

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Time Management

New Age Spirituality Inspirational Stories Part 1

The word Karma is derived from the Sanskrit Kri, to do; all action is Karma. Technically, this word also means the effects of actions. In connection with metaphysics, it sometimes means the effects, of which our past actions were the causes. But in Karma-Yoga we have simply to do with the word Karma as meaning work. The goal of mankind…

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Time Management

Age New Spirituality Inspirational Stories Part 75

There is to be found in every religion the manifestation of this struggle towards freedom. It is the groundwork of all morality,of unselfishness, which means getting rid of the idea that men are the same as their little body. When we see a man doing good work, helping others, it means that he cannot be confined within the limited circle…

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Cupid Quotient

Love and romance, mankind has paired into couples ever since Adam and Eve, but what makes some relationships sizzle and others fizzle? Some say it may well be the romantic nature of the individuals who make up the couple. However, whether you are single, searching or happily married, it is human nature to seek romance and love. So why don’t…

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The Ultimate And Perfect Relationship

The ultimate and perfect relationship is something that most of us dream of. So many of us yearn to be that perfect woman, that every man will fall in love with, and constantly visualize that fairytale romance and the rest of our life with our perfect soul mate. Why then doesn’t it always happen that way with so many of…

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Swimming With Moby Dick Sans The Gear

If diving and swimming with sperm whales at the frigid waters of Alaska is the epitome of stupidity, then no one is more stupid than a famed photographer from New York who just did that. And the result was tons of amazing close encounter photos with the giants of the ocean. The term ‘stupidity’ is not the word you would…

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Computers Technology

Hillary Vs Obama

The older the Tennessee Mountain Man gets the more he finds himself contemplating the history written in his lifetime, and how that history effects the present. In the midst of the 2008 political season there are inescapable memories and applications both good and bad of yesteryear. A recent visit between the computer man and a politically well connected lawyer friend…

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