
Games Which Are The Easiest To Play

Here is a guide to the best online games. Find yourself winning, or at least not necessary losing in the long run. The best casino games are games that have a low house edge or games where by practicing your skill you can have an advantage over the casino. Those with the lowest house edge are blackjack and video poker.…

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Mathematician Re Engineers Quilting

During her career as a software engineer, Marci Baker solved difficult mathematical problems. When she became a stay-at-home mom, she turned to solving another problem involving precision and speed: “How do you make a traditional quilt in one-tenth the time?” Along the way she discovered a sewing machine that appeals to both her quilting and her engineering sides. A lifelong…

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A Brief History Of Espresso

Luigi Bezzera, the owner of a manufacturing business invented Espresso at the turn of the century. Luigi Bezzera was simply trying to figure out a way to brew coffee faster. He figured if he could just add pressure to the brewing process it would speed things up. Thus the “Fast Coffee Machine” was created. His idea of a fast cup…

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Video Poker Why Do People Like It

Yesterday, I was having a pint at my local bar when I noticed a small guy in a dark suit. Sitting to the far-right corner of the bar and away from all of us, this short man was crouched over a glowing video poker screen. Huh? It was just a few months back that casinos all over the world and…

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Coffee Avoiding Brewing A Bad Cup

If a good cup of coffee was so easy to make by simply just throwing in your choice of coffee grinds into water and then into your percolator, then you could settle for just any quality of beans. Unfortunately a bad cup of coffee is so very easy to make. However, making a truly tasty and fresh cup of java…

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Beat That Slot Machine

Slot machines are very popular in the casinos. Everybody seems to be drawn by the look and the feel of playing it by spinning the wheel. The thrill of playing a slot machine keeps anyone coming back either they win or not. Here are a few reminders to make your game worthwhile and at the same time increase your chances…

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Coffee Cleaning Coffee Makers

Every restaurant worker is very familiar with the entire process that goes with cleaning coffee makers. A better part of an hour at the end of each shift is spent rinsing out the coffee pitcher for both regular and decaffeinated coffee brands offered. The pitchers were cleaned at the end of the previous shift and some restaurant workers do not…

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