Womens Issues

Are You Suffering From Painful Intercourse

Pain during intercourse is the most sensitive problem amongst women that most of them feel it difficult to consult a physician. But this can be treated as the reason might be some physical illness. Since a woman plays a major part of the whole reproduction process right beginning from the formation of the ova till giving birth to the child,…

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Health Fitness

Side Effects Of Medications A Sexual Health Problem

Almost all prescription medications available in the market also include one or several side effects that may lead to sexual health problems. Today, research on the side effects of prescription and over the counter medications on sexual health is the subject of in-depth study. It has been found that some medications can have side effects that can change the way…

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Womens Issues

Dry Vagina

“You have been wet and fertile at the will and whim of your body for most of your years, great- granddaughter,” murmurs Grandmother Growth. “But you have Changed. You grow moist with readiness for play now only when you truly desire it, not at reproduction’s dictates. Have no fear that your springs have run dry. If you consciously call up…

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