
English Lake District Traditions

There is little doubt that those who have visited the regions of the English Lake District and Cumbria will recall and recount with pleasure the images of the lakes, mountains and tarns which together are the fundamental components of this beautiful area. There may also be some damp memories of a place with an above average rainfall. A phlegmatic Australian…

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Food Beverage

Local Or Organic A False Choice

A couple of years ago, I visited an organic vegetable farm in southeast Minnesota, not far from the Mississippi River. Nestled in a valley that sloped down from rolling pasture and cropland sat Featherstone Fruits and Vegetables, a 40-acre farm. Featherstone was part of a local food web in the upper Midwest, selling at a farmers’ market, through a CSA…

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Recreation Sports

What Is A Dunk Tank

Dunk tanks are fun at festivals and can rise a lot of money. Most dunk tanks are so easy to set up it only takes one person and it is easy to maintain and operate one as well. Obviously, the person will fall when a lever is hit and they will fall into water hence the name “Dunk tank”. You…

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Township Tours

Visitors to South Africa can enjoy a wide variety of tours and safaris – viewing everything from whales to the Big Five, touring wine farms and engaging in a spectacular range of adventure, sport and leisure activities. Something that is unique to the country however is the emergence of the ‘Township Tour’. Townships are the informal settlement residential areas of…

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Buy Local Food Save The Environment

Do you know how far the apple in your kitchen traveled before you picked it up at the grocery store? According to the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, apples in American grocery stores typically travel 1,726 miles before reaching your kitchen! Just think about the fuel needed to transport produce like this across the country or across borders. Also think…

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Email Marketing

The Power Of Local Email Marketing

As a local business owner you realize the opportunities available on the Web, but you probably do not have the time or money to invest into a full blown web presence. The obstacles and costs in building a web site keep many local businesses on the sideline. But as a local business there is an opportunity to exploit the marketing…

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Arts Entertainment

How To Start Your Own Art Collection On A Budget

It is amazing how the art world seems to have taken a hold of general society. Many more individuals are inclined to forgo reprints and posters and start collecting their own unique art pieces for their homes and offices. Are you interested in starting your own collection of original art? If you do not have thousands of dollars to spend…

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