Disease Illness

Pediculosis And Lice

Pediculosis, is the technical term for infestation of lice. Lice are parasitic insects that live on the bodies of humans. Often times this condition is known by its more common street names: Head/Pubic/Body lice. Some quick information: Children aged 3-10 and their families get Head lice more often Females are more likely to get head lice than males In the…

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Head Lice Treatment Tips

There was some news last week from the Center for Disease Control that some head lice are becoming harder to treat. They have apparently done an evolutionary type of “change” and some seem to be adapting to specific shampoos used to eradicate them. This could be a parents worst nightmare. Take heart however, pyrethrin shampoos are still the best way…

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How To Get Rid Of Lice

Are you irritated by your itchy scalp? Do friends and officemates make fun of you because you always scratch your head? If you are experiencing this common problem, then chances are you have lice. Start to get rid of it now! 1. What are lice? Lice are small parasite-like insects. Their home is on the hairs of people. They eat…

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Home Family

Treatment For Pediculosis

Pediculosis is a condition in which a human is infested with some form of lice; this includes body lice, head lice and pubic lice. The most common pediculosis condition is head lice. Lice are tiny parasite insects that can be found in the hair and on the scalp of an infested human. These insects need human blood to survive; they…

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Home Family

How To Avoid Getting Head Lice

A head lice infestation is one of the most uncomfortable health conditions to cope with, in addition to this; permanently ridding your house of lice can be an extremely difficult task. For these reasons, it is always best to take precautions against you, or anyone in your household becoming infested. One of the most important steps you can take as…

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Home Family

Lice Cures A Home Remedy

If your family has ever had to tackle head lice, and you’ve searched endlessly for lice cures that work, you know very well how frustrating the process can be. This can be even more of a nightmare if you have tried several different, over the counter; lice cures that failed to rid your family of lice. If you use an…

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Home Family

Home Remedy Treatments For Head Lice

Over the past several years there has been some speculation about the toxicity of “over the counter” and prescription head lice treatments. Some doctors believe that too much toxin makes it into the blood stream when using these types of treatments; this is especially true for children, and pregnant women. The level of toxins that could make it into the…

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Home Family

Persistent Headlice Infestations

Today it is becoming more and more common for headlice treatments to fail. When this happens, the reoccurring infestation becomes evident within a few weeks after treatment. Persistent headlice infestation can go on for months, and in a few cases, even years. Not only is this an incredible amount of trouble, it can actually be emotionally traumatic for the person…

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