Recreation Sports

Leisure For Pleasure

Today, pressure is part and parcel of work and can help keep us motivated, driving us to do better, but it has also become one of the most devastating side effects of modern living. With the anxiety of exams or the onslaught of dealines, you certainly deserve your leisure time. So What Does ‘Leisure’ Mean To You? From a recent…

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How To Make Money From Vending Sites

Many of us take vending machines for granted, and don’t realise what a competitive market it is. The financial success of a vending machine is largely down to its site, or position, so choosing a good vending site can make a big difference to the profits to be made. Why tell you about vending sites? It’s because running vending machines…

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What Are The Indicators Of Compulsive Gambling

Compulsive gamblers tend to be bright, energetic, competitive, adventuresome individuals. In short, they may have the characteristics of an otherwise ideal employee. There are no obvious physical signs. Unlike some drug or alcohol abusers, there are no needle marks, breath odor, slurred speech or staggering gait. Like alcoholics and drug addicts, compulsive gamblers typically deny any problem until they hit…

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