
How To Improve Your Golf Back Swing

When you are ready to start the swing, to uncover the first fatal flaws that appear, with the horrible shots they produce, and to learn the first of the magic moves that will cut strokes from your score. Ironically, these first flaws that creep into the average player’s swing produce an effect that is the exact opposite of what he…

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Recreation Sports

2006 Cleveland Indians Preview

2005 Overview: The Cleveland Indians were arguably the best overall team in baseball during the 2nd half of the season. The Indians remained right in the thick of the AL pennant chase until the very last week of the season when a 4-6 record in their last 10 games left them two games back in the wildcard standings. Cleveland ended…

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5 Keys For Your Success In Playing Golf

1. Always use same swing pose every time you shift the ball from sand bunker. Every time you have to shift the ball from the sand bunker, always use same swing pose, then adjust only the position of the ball, and also consider to adjust the weight of down swing whether it should be harder or lighter, in order to…

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Help For Left Handed Golfers From Wilson

If you are a southpaw you no longer have to search the country for left hand clubs and pay high prices to purchase them. Wilson makes left handed golf clubs to the standards that right hand golfers have enjoyed for years. Wilson and other golf equipment manufactures produce good quality clubs at reasonable prices that will fit any left handed…

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The Top Ten Bowling Techniques To Improve Your Score

Bowling is one of the best ways to improve fitness and coordination while having fun with your family and friends. It’s a lot more than simply throwing a heavy ball down a long corridor…it’s one of the most complicated and competitive sports around. By learning to master the top-ten techniques of bowling, you’ll gain confidence, have more fun, and beat…

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Travel Leisure

In Pursuit Of Miller S Landscape

I have always been a great admirer of the artist John Miller. His simplistic coastal landscapes are a wonderful escape from the rigours of city life in Birmingham. But what of the subjects of his work? Were they just figments of his imagination or did these places actually exist? Since buying my first print ‘Estuary’, his worlds have always seemed…

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Chip Shot Boot Camp The Fundamentals

Are you frustrated with your short game? It happens quite often to amateurs and pros alike. You feel like you have put in your time at the practice facility and do not know what to do next. Knowing the fundamentals of a chip shot will help you get the golf ball close to the hole or chip in. This will…

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Coping With Being Left Handed

Being left handed can sometimes be a drag. This is because almost all hand-held devices, such as tools, have been designed with a right-handed individual in mind. This is because everything has been created to accommodate a right-handed society. In fact, most right-handed people don’t even recognize that things have been made specifically for them. It’s just the way that…

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K12 Education

Ten Easy Ways To Help Kids Learn A Brain Based Learning Strategy That Really Works

Susan’s a math whiz and Caleb’s an artist extraordinaire. That’s, great but wouldn’t it be better if Caleb could improve in math and Susan could develop some artistic skills? They can and it’s easy. Researchers have recently discovered that whole-brain learning or brain-based learning is an efficient and effective learning strategy that helps kids (parents and teachers, too) learn anything…

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