Self Improvement

Read Your Mind Are You Hoping People Will

Do you or anyone else you know, expect others to read their mind? This is a common trait especially with family, spouses and close friends. You lose all control of your life when you do this. You are leaving probably the most important issues and decisions of your life on the hope that the other person will know what you…

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Home Security

Common Sense Is Your Best Anti Theft Device

Just like other crimes, a burglary can be a totally random event. However, when it’s planned, there are certain things a burglar will look for when staking out a possible break-in, and there are steps the homeowner can take to minimize this risk. This is a good checklist before leaving your home empty or for beefing up your protection against…

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How To Quit A Job

Leaving a job is often a difficult step. Sure, there is the exciting opportunity to do something different, but if have been with an employer for over a year this can become an emotional step. People leave jobs for various reasons. The old job might just plain and simple suck. The pay is lousy and the boss is behaving like…

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The Only Way To Resign

Once you’ve accepted the offer with your new employer and set the start date, obviously the next step is to let your current employer know you’ll be leaving. Write a brief letter of resignation (the operative word there is “brief”). If you feel a need out of loyalty or guilt to write anything more than a few short sentences, curb…

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