Interior Design

Bathroom Mirrors

A room designed for flushing crap and washing away city’s grime must have a mirror to convince you that the person you look at after the scrubbing and brushing is all set for the slog and toil again. From using the dental floss and brushing the teeth to scrubbing, shaving and eyebrow pricking bathroom mirrors are a must have. Ranging…

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And To All A Goodnight

You’ve just spent a good part of the evening preparing your baby for bed. As she falls asleep in your arms you tenderly place her in her cot; her eyes flash open and she screams the house down. So you lift her and start all over again! One of the most frustrating things about having a baby who refuses to…

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The Secret To Achieving 100 Feedback On Ebay

Have you ever noticed how rare it is for high volume ebay sellers to have 100% feedback. It’s not like they deliberately scam 1 or 2 % of there 2000 plus customers. They’ve streamlined the auction process, reduced the risk of faulty products and goods arriving damaged etc. So why are they still left with angry customers. The truth is…

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Self Improvement

Fate How It Changes Our Plans

All of us are working towards some goals. All of us have some plans for our life. We plan for our future, our children, our career and retirement. We are always planning and trying to implement our plans. While doing all this, we forget to count fate, and that can give us a shock if we are not ready for…

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Self Improvement

Your Voice Print

Mountains are built one pebble at a time and climbed one step at a time.” This is a quote of mine that I personally put into practice each day as I progress towards fulfilling my WHY in life. The word pebble in this quote means that each action you take needs to be productive toward building your mountain of success.…

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Improve Your Golf Performance With These 5 Tips

Improve your golf performance. Is that always on your mind? When you go out to golf you’re hoping for a good round. I know I do. How often does your outcome match what you hoped for? Do you usually shoot the scores you had envisioned before you teed off? If not, do you ever evaluate where and how you could…

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