Auto Leasing

Buy Or Lease

It’s the classic dilemma that faces every auto-consumer out there: Pay cash upfront or forego the ownership and pay monthly settlements instead? Buy or lease for a new set of wheels? As is the case with every other common dilemma, there is no slam-dunk answer. Each option has its own benefits and drawbacks, and it all depends on a set…

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Leasing Is Often Better Than Buying

Leasing refers to an owner, or lessor, selling use of his property (equipment, automobile, home, or business) to a lessee. For many individuals, leasing is a good alternative to buying because leasing requires less equity and, therefore, more people have the qualifications to lease than to buy. For example, a $1 million piece of property may be too expensive for…

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Benefits Of Leasing Equipment

Leasing equipment provides the lessee with all the following benefits of utilizing the equipment without having to pay the up-front costs or assuming the risk of ownership. A lease is one of the best ways for businesses to stay on top of the development curve. With so many new developments that occur (particularly in the technology areas) equipment leasing is…

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Auto Leasing

Dealer Leasing Tricks

Too often when it comes to auto-leasing, people get so dazzled by the myriad terms and the jargon thrown their way that they end-up paying through the nose, relying on a dealer’s “help” than their own informed decision. Here is a look at some of the tricks dealers use to pad their profits and leave the customers shelling hundreds of…

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Auto Leasing

Auto Leasing Scams

Car-leasing has been lauded as a more attractive alternative to buying, offering in the process the flexibility to drive a new car for less. The reality, however, is that leasing is an option that is fraught with many pitfalls for the average customer. Leasing regulation does not require as much disclosure as buying a vehicle. This has given rise to…

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Trucks Suvs

Why You Should Consider Leasing A Vehicle

Is your current vehicle paid off, do you plan to pay it off, have you ever paid a vehicle off? If you answered ‘no’ to these questions, you may be able to save a lot of money or drive a very upscale vehicle, if not both, by leasing. Sure, leasing a vehicle is oftentimes made to sound very difficult, and…

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Auto Leasing

Lease Financing

For auto-consumers, crunching the numbers is one of the most difficult and confusing aspects of leasing. Take the finance charge on a lease for instance. Most people just don’t understand how this is calculated on capitalised cost AND residual value instead of just the capitalised cost. For most, it seems plainly obvious, just as is the case when purchasing, that…

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To Buy Or To Lease

Buy or Lease? It’s the classic dilemma that faces every auto-consumer out there: Pay cash upfront or forego the ownership and pay monthly settlements instead? Buy or lease for a new set of wheels? As is the case with every other common dilemma, there is no slam-dunk answer. Each option has its own benefits and drawbacks, and it all depends…

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Arts Entertainment

The Truth About Disneyland And Disabilities

Today, even disabled people can enjoy the wonder of Disneyland! If you are on crutches, you should ponder renting a Disneyland Scooter to get about the estate. The lease fee is $35 per day, with a $20 deposit. A valid driver’s license is important, and you should be eighteen years old or older. You can also choose to lease a…

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Web Hosting

Setting Up New Office Space Forget About Needing Furniture

How to move into a new office without moving hassles Tom Hansen discovered a smart way to move. Six months after starting a new business in his home, success was forcing him to find some affordable office space for lease. He began by searching through the classified ads under ‘office space for lease’. Most listings were for more space than…

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