
Executive Resumes 101

What makes an executive resume “executive”? Is it the format? Is it the content? Or is it the personal marketing strategy? Executive resumes are different in all these areas. Executive resumes are targeted toward a hiring agent that is seeking more than the typical job seeker’s qualifications. The executive behind the resume must meet specific leadership and visionary qualifications that…

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Leadership Development

Leadership, what is it and what is the difference between being a manager and being a leader?. Definitions of leadership, there is not a single definition that everyone agrees on. Manfred Kets de Vries, a professor at INSEAD, says that leadership is a set of characteristics, behaviour patterns, personality attributes that makes certain individuals more effective in achieving a set…

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Leadership How Can Leadership Programs Be Measured

Perk up your presentation with these facts of leadership. This article on leadership aims at providing you with all the necessary matter you will need to understand more about leadership. So read it well. Leadership matters. Any one person may have an effect on the behavior of others at any time. The nature and intent of that effect determines the…

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Web Hosting

Maximizing Business Opportunities Through Motivation

Blogging is a good hobby that supervisors and managers may want to take up. A different form of training and sharing of insights with regards to their specialization in their field, these are unsolicited inputs coming from the eyes of people who view and employ different forms of managing and leading subordinates for the overall effectiveness of a company. On…

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The New Generation Of Young Women Leaders Study Defines Skills Needed To Fulfill High Aspirations

How do today’s young women see themselves and their futures? A recent student-designed survey from an innovative high school came up with some intriguing revelations. Compared with high school boys, high school girls are significantly more likely to see themselves as leaders, are just as likely to say they would run for U.S. president, and have higher college aspirations than…

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Effective Leadership For 21st Century Organisations

Traditional leadership Traditional leadership styles from the 19th and 20th Centuries tended to involve strict hierarchies, superiority, winners and losers. To lead, people felt the need to prove they are better than everyone else. Leadership was about “power” and its abuse, loneliness and affectations. In the latter part of the 20th Century, there was a gradual decline in hierarchies which…

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Ten Relationship Traits And Skills For Good Leadership

An important aspect of good leadership is the ability to work and relate with others. There are ten qualities that characterize successful leadership in the area of relating and communicating with other people. 1. Availability A good leader is available and in touch with people. An important leadership skill is the ability to recognize needs and be able to respond…

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Web Hosting

Leadership Is The First Step To Success

Have you ever heard of a business where there is no leader or in a more technical term, a boss? Perhaps it is quite inconceivable, since it highly significant in every field that one directs them towards their goal. For instance, if you want to employ a change in system within your business, a leader would have to stand out…

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How To Identify Future Leaders

Every meeting provides an opportunity to learn important things about the people who attend. Here’s what to watch for: > Is it planned? Effective leaders always begin with clearly defined goals and then prepare plans for achieving them. They have the courage to set a direction and then make changes as new information becomes available. They communicate with candor knowing…

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What Kind Of Leader Are You

You are a leader if someone is following you. This could be as simple as one person watching you and following your example and encouragement, to being a leader in your home, your community, your workplace or even your nation. Leadership can take many forms, but typically it often involves managing people- one of the most difficult of all tasks.…

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