Web Design

Web Design With A Difference

Anybody looking for a web designer is spoilt for choice. Type in web design in Google and you will come up with millions of websites offering web design around the world. The web design industry is indeed extremely competitive. So how do we go about choosing a web design company that offers websites that are not only well designed but…

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Web Hosting

Crafting Good Title Tags For Seo And Clickability

It’s amazing to me, the number of people who still do not take proper advantage of the power of the title tag. The title tag, is arguably THE most important on-page factor in SEO (and much more as you’ll soon learn). If you happen not to be too versed in HTML coding I’ll explain what the title tag is. The…

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Web Hosting

Seo Copywriting For Results

In order for a website to have good results in the search engine results it needs to have a number of key elements. The first element is copy, without much copy your website will never rank anywhere. This is because search engines have programs called spiders which go out and scour the web – they read and index text. The…

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Web Hosting

The Buzzword Of Success Search Engine Optimization

Stay ahead in the competition by always outdoing your competitors. Using innovative search engine optimization you can now take the guesswork out of search engine friendliness. Today every online entrepreneur struggles to be within the first ten rankings of a search engine result. If the search engine is one of the more popular ones, then the competition is fiercer. By…

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Internet Business

Keyword Finess Broad Phase Or Exact

Yes is the short answer. But lets take a closer look at keyword match options and examine why using all three types is one of the best ways to ensure a higher CTR, as well as a strong Google Quality Score. Google has defined the three-keyword match options in a fairly understandable way. You need to know what each match…

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Improve Your Online Business With Search Engine Optimization Seo

So you’ve got that wonderful work-at-home online business up and running. You’ve got a dynamite website with easy to use navigation, a slew of well written, entertaining and pertinent articles, and more revenue-generating links than you can handle. But for some reason, the hits just aren’t coming and your business isn’t making as much money as you deserve. How do…

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Site Promotion

Search Engine Optimization Meta Tags

Every search engine uses it’s own, very specific algorithm to index the websites. All major search engines keep updating their search algorithms quite frequently to give their searchers the best searching experience. Your website’s place in the search result pages depends on it’s calculation from the algorithm it follows. These algorithms are not changing everyday but are evolving into more…

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Web Hosting

What They Never Told You About Getting Website Traffic

Do you know why…? Even though your website promotes a product/service, your website is a product unto itself, and you have to promote it. A multimedia approach is most effective. Make sure your URL appears in all ads you do for your product/service, as well as on your letterhead and business cards. Teach classes or give lectures on your topic…

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