
Dog Kennels And Dog Care

A dog-boarding kennel is a safe and secure place for your pet to stay while you are on vacation or at times when you may not be able to have your pet with you. One of the best benefits of having your pet in a boarding kennel as opposed to leaving your pet with family and friends is that you…

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Annoying Habits Your Dog Does

Dear Adam: My Springer Spaniel has gotten a little more resistant to the come command when she knows it means “Get in the kennel.” At night, she goes in between nine and ten. And like clock work, she wakes me up at 2:00 am. I am sure I have started a bad habit, but I am afraid the neighbors are…

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The Many Uses Of Chain Link Dog Run Kennels

Dog is man’s best friend, but sometimes we don’t treat dogs like friends. Instead, many dogs are either cooped up in inadequate spaces or they’re let to run loose in unsafe environments. Likewise, while some dogs can be left unattended others require a confined environment until their owner returns. There is a very simple and economical solution to this and…

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Urinating In The Kennel Run

A dog owner named Ellen writes: I have a 12 month old golden retriever. When I am at work during the day she is in an outside kennel. The kennel has a concrete floor that is slanted to allow for drainage. I live in Wisconsin and when the snow melts, drainage is an issue even though I keep the kennel…

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Travel Tips

Traveling With Pets

Sometime things happen and you need to leave right away. If you have pets, this can cause a major problem. What if no one is available to watch your pet? If you don’t want to leave you pet at a shady kennel where most dogs are kept in cages, you can simply take them with you; it’s easier than you…

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Puppy Training Good Doggie

Puppies are cute cuddly and so full of life throughout the infancy stage. It is at this time when puppy training is vital – because believe it or not these cute cuddly little characters can cause so much havoc in the home – with their outbursts of action packed antics all brought on by excitement. Fun it may be at…

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