
Easy Steps To Stop Your Dog From Jumping On You

When you bring home that adorable puppy her dog behavior is so cute. She puts her feet up on you to get your attention, jumps in your lap, jumps up and down on her hind legs begging to be picked up. And what do you do? You reinforce all those dog behaviors. Give her attention, pick her up, make sure…

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Free Fall With A Skydiving Lesson In California

A Skydiving lesson in California is a great way to begin the sport. Skydiving is a very popular extreme sport it today’s society. The rush of jumping out of a plane and slowly floating to the earth in a peaceful surrounding is an urge many people cannot ignore. Skydiving lessons in California aren’t difficult to locate. CalAdventures offers assistance with…

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Recreation Sports

What Is A Kitewing

You propably know what a Kite is, but have you heard about the Kitewing? The kitewing is a lightweight hand-held wing shaped as a kite that can be used for sailing on ice, snow and land with a pair of skis, skates or a snowboard. This is done in wintertime. For summer use one can sail with the wing using…

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Recreation Sports

Trampoline Jumping

Though the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and various organizations do not recommend trampolines for recreational use at home, trampoline jumping can be a lot of fun and a good form of exercise if adequate levels of safety measures and precautions are taken, such as using enclosures to prevent falling, safety pads, and safety harnesses etc. There are two main…

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Dealing With Problem Puppy Behaviors

Everyone who owns a puppy or dog will eventually have to deal with and correct less than desirable behaviors on the part of their companion animal. There are a number of behaviors that should be nipped in the bud, including: Jumping up on people: This is one of those behaviors that many owners inadvertently encourage in their animals, since jumping…

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Dog Training Does Your Puppy Do This

Unfortunately, eliminating problem behaviors is one thing that most dog owners eventually face. This article will focus on a few of the most commonly encountered behavior problems. Problem #1 – Jumping up on people One of the most frequently cited problems with dogs is that of jumping up on people. Unfortunately, this is one of those behaviors that is often…

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Fitness Equipment

Trampoline Basics

Trampolines are a wonderful thing, I don’t know if you have noticed but in the last few years more and more people are getting a trampoline for their backyard. My neighbor got one a few years ago and every time his kids would come and visit the grandchildren would spend most of their time on the trampoline or in its…

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Skydive At Its Best

Not surprisingly. Arizona is also a stomping ground for many extreme sport enthusiasts that come to appreciate the beauty of the scenery while experiencing pastimes that are nonconformist. to say the least. Skydiving is no exception. Arizona skydiving has taken on a life of its own as countless fanatics inundate the region for a glimpse of the sky at 10.000…

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