
Two Thousand Years Later

The Passion of The Christ has caused a lot of discussions. Some people accuse the film to be anti-Semitic or that it has the potential to incite hatred and violence towards Jews. Other people object mainly to Mel Gibson’s gruesome depiction of Jesus Christ’s last 12 hours on earth in his latest film: The Passion Of The Christ. Though these…

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Meet The Israelis

They speak Hebrew which is a peculiar, throaty language that takes ages to learn. Once you take hold of of basic communication you’ll find out that they typically only talk about money and food anyway. Although they can appear rude, at heart they’re very kind and friendly. Israelis are tribal so if you’re on the outside they seem quite unfriendly.…

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Reference Education

Passover Laugh While Cleaning

Passover, or Pesach as it is called in Hebrew, is the 8 day festival where the Jews celebrate their liberation from Egypt more than a thousand years ago. One of the most important features of this freedom festival is that the Jews cannot eat anything that is leavened. They eat unleavened bread. They must also make sure that no bread…

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The Columbus American History Never Knew

Since 1892, when President Benjamin Harrison issued a proclamation urging the nation to mark the day when Chistopher Columbus is recorded to have discovered America, the United States has enthusiastically organized school programs, plays, parades, and community-wide festivities across the country. We now celebrate Columbus Day as a day of rest and relaxation. American History, however, fails to teach the…

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Passover Laugh While Cleaning

Passover, or Pesach as it is called in Hebrew, is the 8 day festival where the Jews celebrate their liberation from Egypt more than a thousand years ago. One of the most important features of this freedom festival is that the Jews cannot eat anything that is leavened. They eat unleavened bread. They must also make sure that no bread…

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Disease Illness

Passover Laugh While Cleaning

Passover, or Pesach as it is called in Hebrew, is the 8 day festival where the Jews celebrate their liberation from Egypt more than a thousand years ago. One of the most important features of this freedom festival is that the Jews cannot eat anything that is leavened. They eat unleavened bread. They must also make sure that no bread…

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An Introduction To Jewish Dating

What makes Jewish dating different from any other type of dating? Jewish singles, by nature, tend to seek out other Jewish singles even if they aren’t particularly religious. There’s something about being Jewish, either genetically or as a society, that keeps Jews together as a group. Not completely, of course, as there are many Jewish people who have married outside…

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Product Reviews

Passover Laugh While Cleaning

Passover, or Pesach as it is called in Hebrew, is the 8 day festival where the Jews celebrate their liberation from Egypt more than a thousand years ago. One of the most important features of this freedom festival is that the Jews cannot eat anything that is leavened. They eat unleavened bread. They must also make sure that no bread…

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Arts Entertainment

Passover Laugh While Cleaning

Passover, or Pesach as it is called in Hebrew, is the 8 day festival where the Jews celebrate their liberation from Egypt more than a thousand years ago. One of the most important features of this freedom festival is that the Jews cannot eat anything that is leavened. They eat unleavened bread. They must also make sure that no bread…

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A Dialog About Anti Semitism And The Fate Of The State Of Israel

Rabid anti-Semitism, coupled with inane and outlandish conspiracy theories of world dominion, is easy to counter and dispel. It is the more “reasoned”, subtle, and stealthy variety that it pernicious. “No smoke without fire,” – say people – “there must be something to it!”. In this dialog I try to deconstruct a “mild” anti-Semitic text. I myself wrote the text…

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