Arts Entertainment

Darth Vader The Making Of A Monster

Ever since his first appearance in “Star Wars: A New Hope,” Darth Vader has slowly attained the status of a cultural icon, a near-universal symbol of villainy and oppression. The all-black attire, the distinct sound of his mechanically-aided breathing, and the imposing nature of his presence earned him a spot as one of the most intimidating fictional characters in history.…

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Health Fitness

The Jedi Code A Guide To Better Mental Health

While entirely fictional, the enigmatic concept knowns as “The Force” is based on some very real principles. In the movie, Star Wars, the “Force” is often spoken of by members of a religious order called the Jedi. The warrior-priests of the Jedi Order served as the main proponents of what they believed to be the core concepts of The Force.…

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