Arts Entertainment

A Brief Glimpse Into Welcome To The Nhk

The willingness to deal with even unpleasant aspects of one’s culture in a humorous-yet-serious manner is something that has been ever-present in the media. Social issues, along with the occasional political issue, can suddenly be the focal discussion point of episodes of popular shows, with some more prominent ones becoming the focus of entire series. The Japanese hikikomori problem, along…

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Home Improvement

A Brief History Of Futons

Originally from Japan, Futons are like bed mattresses but used and made differently than in their home country. Japanese Futons Measuring two inches (5 cm) thick and filled with cotton and/or synthetic batting, Japanese futons are typically flat and are designed to be spread out on tatami flooring, which is a special kind of flooring indigenous to Japanese architecture. Japanese…

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Arts Entertainment

Painting Art Book

Painting art book is one of the most popular art therapies it’s a very old tree, but strong. Many of us are of artistic nature and always want to be more creative in our art. Many of us take help of painting art books. Painting art book helps the way to create something beautiful is often to make subtle tweaks…

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Product Reviews

School Days It Could Happen To You

The Japanese video game industry, particularly the eroge segment of it, has produced some odd storyline and characters over the years. Games of this sort, generally labeled as “dating sims” by unaware Western audiences, have a set of stock character archetypes that developers tend to inevitably draw upon. Games of this sort also tend to be set in idyllic, happy…

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Health Fitness

Secrets Of Green Tea

The western world may recently have awakened to the benefits of green tea, but it has been around for centuries in China and Japan as the beverage of choice for the classes and the masses alike. The Chinese and Japanese have always believed that a regular intake of green tea means a longer, healthier life. In the early 1990s, scientists…

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Tea Drinking Green Tea

The art of brewing and drinking green tea has been around for centuries. In fact, green tea has been used for many different tea ceremonies in China and Japan. In these countries, there are rituals that must be followed and tools that must be used in brewing tea to be served to guests. The Japanese tea ceremony, for example, is…

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The Aung San Family In Myanmar

Aung San Suu Kyi is a much revered opposition leader in Myanmar (Burma) (born 1945). She has bravely resisted – and still does – the murderous military regime in her homeland and has won the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize. Her mother was ambassador to India in the 1960s. She is cherished by all her countrymen. Moreover, Aung San Suu Kyi…

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