
Vitamin D Can It Really Keep You Cancer Free

Can Vitamin D really help prevent you from developing cancer? Once only associated with strong bones and teeth, new scientific research is finding that Vitamin D can cut your risk of developing common cancers by as much as 50%. Says Sara Hiom, head of health information at Cancer Research UK, “There is evidence to suggest that the vitamin (Vitamin D)…

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The Benefits And Perils Of Vitamin A

Why You Need Vitamin A Vitamin A plays an important role in vision, reproduction, and bone development. It encourages the growth of health surface linings in the eyes, lungs, intestines, and uninary track. Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin. This means that excess amounts are stored in the liver or in fat cells. Because of this you must be…

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Health Fitness

All You Need To Know About Vitamin A

FACTS: Vitamin A is fat-soluble. It requires fats as well as minerals to be properly absorbed by your digestive tract. It can be stored in your body and need not be replenished every day. It occurs in two forms—preformed vitamin A, called retinol (found only in foods of animal origin), and provitamin A, known as carotene (provided by foods of…

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