
Jock Itch A Groin Problem

The other name for Jock Itch is Tinea Cruris. This is an embarrassing infection to reveal. It is a skin infection which mainly develops around groin due to the ideal environment it provides. The groin becomes the perfect area for the growth of the fungus as it is warm, moist and humid. Therefore increased amount of sweating, wearing wet clothes…

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Health Fitness

Ringworm Of The Groin Treatment

Ringworm of the groin is the disease caused by a fungus. The disease shows itself as a patch in the shape of a circle and itches. This itch is responsible for another name of this disease- Jock Itch. Let us find out about what are the treatments for Ringworm of the groin. Ringworm of the groin- confirm the disease first…

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Health Fitness

Itching For A Long Lasting Solution To A Frustrating Problem

Now here’s an itch to scratch: A whopping three out of four American households experience itchy skin that can be irritating and unbearable. While it may provide temporary relief, scratching ultimately results in further irritation, potentially causing bleeding and even scarring. It can interfere with your days and bring about sleepless nights. When Itch Strikes: Whether it’s hitting the slopes…

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