Current Events

Americans Unite Return Government To The People

Tired of paying too much in taxes while your government continues to waste your hard-earned money and not listen to what you want? Do something about it, says a provocative new website working to give the power back to the people. Voter says there are four simple things you can do to take back your government from corporate lobbyists,…

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Self Improvement

Thoughts On Thinking

Thinking. What does thinking mean? It means reflecting upon and analyzing the different aspects of a situation or a condition or any issue. This needs time. How many of us think? Why should we think? What are the issues about which we should think? If you are a medical professional, do you need to think about politics? If you are…

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Real Estate

Buying A House Checking Exterior Wood

You need to be very careful before committing to the purchase of a house. If the house has wood and brick on the exterior, you need to consider the following issues. Wood Issues Wood is a beautiful material, particularly when it is used on the exterior of a home. Compared to stucco and other materials, it is a wonder wood…

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Google Wallet V Ebay S Paypal

A new online payment processor is in the works to compete against Ebay’s Paypal system. Tentatively called Google Wallet, the new system is being developed by the Mountain View, CA, search engine giant and is expected to have an official launch date by early 2006. Choice is good and soon consumers may have a viable alternative to quirky Paypal. Rumors…

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