
A Hiking Guide To Easter Island

Ask me which Pacific island has the most to offer hikers and I’ll probably answer Easter Island. Here on an island 11 km wide and 23 km long you’ll find nearly a thousand ancient Polynesian statues strewn along a powerfully beautiful coastline or littering the slopes of an extinct volcano. The legends of Easter Island have been recounted many times.…

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Puerto Rico The Hidden Island Party Spot

Taste the rum and practice the Salsa on the Caribbean island paradise of Puerto Rico. The islands are located in the Caribbean sea, just east of the Dominican republic, with about 3/4 Spanish and 1/4 English speaking natives. But don’t worry: all tourist areas are primarily English speaking. Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States which includes one…

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Mounu Island Vavau Tonga

A Romantic Honeymoon Package like no other could be Mounu Island Vavau Tonga. A South Pacific Honeymoon is very special, and Mounu is situated in one of the most beautiful areas of Tonga. It is small, only a 6.5 acre coral atoll, surrounded by shimmering white sand that your feet sink into and turquoise sea that is so clear you…

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How To Live On A Cruise Ship Part Time

There has been a lot of buzz lately about living on a Cruise Ship full time as an alternative to living in a retirement home. However, I don’t think it would be very exciting after about 6 months or so. Ships, even Cruise Ships, are noisy for at least 2 reasons: 1. Engine Noise. No matter how new the ship,…

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Aruba Paradise For Watersport Enthusiasts

Unlike any other destination in the world, the island of Aruba offers nearly every watersport imaginable – with recreation options for every age and skill level. The crystal-clear waters surrounding this Caribbean paradise are full of shipwrecks waiting to be explored, exotic fish ready to be photographed and rolling waves ideal for windsurfing and a host of other activities. Whether…

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A Golf Vacation To Rival Hilton Head

Imagine an island golf destination that has been voted number one in its nation – not once, but twice in a row. Imagine more than 26 golf courses on that island. Imagine vistas of white, champagne, pink and red beaches; or ocean waters extending far, far beyond the horizon. Imagine a day of golf that leads gracefully into a night…

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Travel Leisure

Maui By Air The Best Way Around The Island

Maui helicopter tours are a great way to see the island from a different perspective and have a fun adventure. If you have never been on a helicopter before, this is a great place to do it. You will see all the beauty that Maui has to offer and can have a great time for the entire family. Tours are…

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Thanksgiving In Hilton Head Island

It’s nothing like New York, but it’s all about family! There is no question about it: for the biggest Thanksgiving event in the country, head to New York City for its annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. If you can’t make it to the city, Mom used to say, “sit down and you will see the arrival of Santa Claus on…

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