Weight Loss

Blame It On Iodine

If you are seriously trying to lose weight, chances are have tried several different programs. Many of you are still not getting down to your desired or ideal weight. One big reason could be that you are having problems with one little molecule. Iodine is the basis for the extremely important Thyroid Hormone in your body. That hormone regulates everything…

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Weight Loss

Don T Fall For These Weight Loss Gimmicks

Have you heard about the new weight loss patch? You wear it behind your ear, and it speeds up your metabolism and helps you control your appetite. It sounds pretty reasonable, doesn’t it? After all, if someone had told you five years ago that you could quit smoking by sticking a circle of fabric on your skin would you have…

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Preparing Your Family S Emergency Supply

With a little planning and common sense, you can be better prepared for the unexpected-including disasters. That’s why, increasingly, families are being encouraged to prepare for emergencies by assembling supplies and developing a family communications plan. See www.Ready.gov. Experts say a family emergency reserve should contain one gallon of water per person per day, for drinking and sanitation, and a…

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