
Basic Financial Information Tips Part I

Savings. Pay yourself first. Start now stashing 10% of your income in an “Emergency” savings. Don’t use it for anything but real emergencies. Keep a “For Sure” savings account for yearly expenses you know are coming and you can estimate (e.g. Christmas, insurance, taxes, etc.). Also have a “Buy Stuff” account. If you do, you’ll be able to avoid many…

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What You Should Know About Interest Rates

For all people shop around for the best rate, there are few who have taken the time to sit down and add it all up. After all, why would you bother? The answer is that understanding just how interest rates work can help you see how important small differences in rates and payment amounts can be. Interest Rates are Compound.…

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Debt Consolidation

Debt Relief And Debt Reduction

Debt relief can be provided only when there is debt reduction. There are many agencies and financial organizations, which can provide debt relief. Debt relief is in the form of lower rates of interest and refinance rates. However the debt still has to be paid the principal amount has to be paid. The period of paying the debt may get…

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Things To Know About Credit Cards

A credit card is a card that allows you to borrow money for paying your purchases but bound to a certain limit. At the end off every month either you have to repay the whole amount or a minimum amount. A planned credit strategy will enable you to improve your credit worthiness. The most obvious thing, which can be done…

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Second Mortgages Can Cap Housing Costs

In these times of rising interest rates, second mortgages or first mortgage refinancing might be just the thing to keep your housing costs from going through the roof. In a recent article in Parade magazine, How To Save on Your Mortgage, Lynn Brenner considered the question, “Will Your Mortgage Rate Go Up?” “If you have a fixed-rate mortgage, you have…

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Fast Bridging Loans For Prompt Cash Assistance

Deadlines, in case of property purchase, are strict; and ones plan of owning a house is made or marred, according to his capability to stick to these deadlines. Property deals are often prolonged. When individuals promise on the basis of expected results of a deal, they may find themselves into a tight spot. For instance, when a person promises to…

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Debt Consolidation

Are You Sure You Want A Student Loan Consolidation

A lot of students need to get student loans in order to complete their education. However, student loans can be a huge financial burden to most people, with high interest rates. Here’s where a student loan consolidation can help. Essentially, a student loan consolidation gives you a longer period of time (as long as 30 years) to repay your student…

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