Web Hosting

Seo How To Organize Your Seo Web Copy

Some people have no idea of how to begin to optimize their copy as it seems a daunting task. If writing your web copy seems overwhelming it is likely because you have not organized the intentions of the piece, especially when it comes to thinking of the copy in terms of what you want to accomplish in SEO. Your very…

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Alternative Medicine

5 Easy Ways To Lift The Spirit

What to do? Luckily for me there’s always been that curiosity of what’s out there in the alternative world including the alternative therapies. I’ve tried many of them over the years and will continue to do so, all in the hope I can make things better for my body, mind and spirit. And it has. I’m aware that what may…

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Goal Setting

Do Goals Really Work

I was talking to a friend of mine this morning about her financial goals for the year. After listening to her for a few minutes, I interrupted to ask how she felt about those goals. There was a long pause. Finally, I asked if I could share my thoughts about goals – why I don’t set them for myself, and…

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