
4 Steps To Christian Inspiration

Many times we study how to do things faster and better but we skip the essential step of inspiration. When we are inspired by the Holy Spirit we have a wealth of ability with which to work. When we are empowered by Christian inspiration we “can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth us” (Phil. 4:13, KJV). We read in…

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Goal Setting

How To Stay Motivated And Stick To Your Goals

Dear Friend, I would like to start by sharing a small excerpt from an incredibly riveting book, which reveals how powerful the human spirit is, even when opposed by extreme elements. This quote, which illustrates how intense desire can help us forge through unbelievable obstacles, comes from Into Thin Air… When Jon Krakauer reached the summit of Mt. Everest in…

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No News Is Good News

Did you watch the news on television today? Did you hear it on the radio? Did you happen to listen to your favorite talk radio show today? Watch a movie? A television show? Do you feel good because of it? What effect do these things have on us in our daily lives? Do they invoke a positive mental attitude? Probably…

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Time Management

3 Tips For Staying Motivated Towards Your Goals

It’s not always easy to stay motivated when you’re trying to achieve a goal. Some experts say that the “goal” itself should be enough to inspire unwavering diligence toward achieving it…and there is an element of truth in that. However, the reality is that the discomforts of striving for a particular goal can sometimes cause us to lose focus. Want…

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Inspiration What Is It

“Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?” No matter how this topic is tackled, the question remains a mystery. “Do you need to be inspired to aspire or do you need an aspiration to get inspired?” The same holds true for the second question. Others may argue that in order to have a strong desire to achieve something, you…

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Web Hosting

Drive To Success

Consistent and rapid changes are impacting the economy, and the small businesses that create approximately two-thirds of the nation’s new jobs. These changes are all around us and envelope all areas of business. The most obvious changes range from: telecommunications, manufacturing, distribution and natural resource management to evolving consumer needs and demands. Thus we see a tremendous growth in worldwide…

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Amazing Facts About Shedd Aquarium

If you are going to visit Chicago, you got to experience visiting the icon and leader in aquarium and zoo profession – Shedd Aquarium. Shedd aquarium was made possible by John G. Shedd wherein he envisioned it to be one of the grandest aquariums in Chicago and was officially opened on May 30, 1930, which became one of Chicago’s historic…

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