
Insomnia Tips

Insomnia is a very common complaint among older adults. The condition affects more than 70 million Americans. Some symptoms include difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, difficulty with early morning awakening, or not feeling rested by a “good night’s sleep.” Occasionally, insomnia lasts for a short time and can be easily managed. Other times it is a chronic condition, lasting…

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Self Improvement

Your Television Viewing Might Keep You Awake

Watching an exciting movie in the evening is a favored way for many people to relax after a long day of work. They look forward to getting home, having dinner and then sitting down to be entertained. After hours of watching television, they decide to turn in for the night and instead of falling fast asleep, they spend the next…

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Five Simple Tricks For Beating Insomnia

For individuals suffering from insomnia, sleepless night stretch endlessly and offer no relief to exhausted individuals. We as humans need sleep to recharge our bodies and minds after a long day of work, and when sleep does not come, our quality of life begins to suffer. Individuals suffering from insomnia often describe their days as foggy and often feel as…

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Health Fitness

Valerian Another Natural Sleep Aide In Focus

Insomnia is a condition when one has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or often wakes up too early. You awaken feeling feel tired and irritable the whole day. For some people, insomnia lasts a night or two. For others, it tortures them for months or even years. While a brief case of insomnia can arise due to temporary stress,…

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Insomnia Through Trauma

Many people are suffering insomnia directly from trauma. Since the September 11 ordeal, millions of people each day are finding it difficult to rest. Some are trapped in the 2000 ordeal and are having difficulty leaving the past behind, while others are direct victims of the attack and suffering insomnia while they fight to control their painful thoughts. If you…

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Alcohol Insomnia Can Be Eliminated

Insomnia is many times mistaken for a sleep disorder, when in fact it is basically a complaint about the difficulty of falling asleep, trouble staying asleep or unrestorative sleep. There are many reasons that people suffer from insomnia and there is usually an underlying clue to determine the cause of the problem. Insomnia resulting from alcohol is one of the…

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Stress Management

Eye Opening Facts About Stress

You look at the clock. It’s 1 a.m. You’ve been trying to sleep since 11, and you’re still awake. Your mind races. Your muscles are tense. You think you’ll never get any rest. Sound familiar? If so, you are one of 60 million people in the U.S. who suffer from some form of insomnia. A recent survey by the National…

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