Health Fitness

Ozone Air Purifiers Damaging To Your Health

Ozone air purifiers have been the cause of much recent controversy. Put forth by many manufacturers as a safe and effective way to remove odors from your home, many brands, including Prozone air purifiers, have come under fire from other authorities on indoor air cleaners, who claim that ozone is unsafe. And, unfortunately for the manufacturers of these ozone air…

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Consumer Electronics

Alpine Living Air Classic Taking A Closer Look

For more than a decade, Americans have been becoming increasingly aware that the air that they breathe in their homes is generally not of good quality. Between cooking and pet odors, mold, mildew, the widespread use of plastic materials, and carcinogenic cleaning products, many feel that their inside air has been compromised. What do consumers do? Purchase an air purifier.…

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Home Improvement

It S Time To Clean House With An Air Purifier

According to the American Lung Association’s 2005 State of the Air report, more than 152 million Americans, or 52 percent of the population, breathe dirty air. Did you know that the Environmental Protection Agency ranks poor indoor air quality as a top five environmental risk to public well-being? Less than 20 percent of Americans believe that indoor air can be…

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Health Fitness

Excess Humidity Leads To Mold

Everyone’s heard about the effect mold and mildew can have on a home, or more importantly, a homeowner’s pocketbook. But, you say, how bad can it really be? In 2002, insurers paid $2.5 billion in mold-related claims under homeowner policies, up $1.3 billion from the year before. Moisture can damage carpets, wood flooring, furnishings, drywall and interior woodwork, causing mold,…

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Cat Training Techniques Information

The most popular form of cat training is that of learning them how to use the litterbox. This is especially important for indoor cats, but is also ideal for an indoor/outdoor pet. Many people are surprised to know that cat training can also involve an actual toilet, which will eliminate the expense and odor associated with a litterbox. This type…

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Home Improvement

Major Contributing Factors That Affect Indoor Air Quality

Today, indoor air quality (IAQ) is an important environmental consideration. Because we spend approximately 90 percent of our time indoors, we must do everything possible to improve the air we breathe. During the energy crisis of the ’70s, Americans began to tightly close their workplaces and homes in order to conserve energy resources. Currently, many families have both parents working,…

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Indoor Basketball Hoops

Shooting hoops is a great way to have fun and stay active–as long as the weather cooperates. Indoor basketball hoops make it possible to have a quick game of One on One anytime, rain or shine. Before shopping for an indoor basketball hoop, decide where it is going to be installed. If the hoop will go on a wall, it…

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Home Improvement

Water Fountains As A Gateway For Relaxation

Let’s be honest – at times life can be extremely stressful. There are several ways in which you can try to relax, but these typically require a good amount of time. Why not look into something that can help relax you while you’re on the run? We thought you might be interested, which is why we’ll be discussing indoor water…

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Caring For The Indoor Bonsai Tree

The indoor Bonsai Tree is a beautiful addition to any home or office, and once you learn how to care for these unique trees, they are a great hobby. Indoor Bonsai Trees are actually a miniature replica of a natural outdoor tree. The cultivation of the indoor Bonsai Tree first began in China and Japan centuries ago, but today growing…

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Indoor Bonsai Tree Caring

It is essential to care properly for your Indoor Bonsai, but by simply following a few growing procedures, you can grow some really beautiful bonsai trees (for example like Japanese Maple Bonsai). If you just keep these few basic tips in mind you should have no problem growing the indoor bonsai tree (also spelled bonzai). The first thing you should…

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