
Find The Pattern With Better Trades

I am chartist and a technical trader. I believe that the first line of analysis is to find patterns. Line drawing and straight line analysis is the standard. It has been and continues to be the base line tool. Moving averages and range bands are more recent developments and are observatory. Straight line charting has modeled and been used to…

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Currency Trading

Day Trading Indicators And Indicator Trading

Did You Begin Day Trading As An Indicator Only Trader? Did you start day trading after buying a book on technical analysis, and getting a charting program – probably a free one that you found online – in order to save money? While reading your book you learned about trading indicators which could ‘predict’ price movement, and what do you…

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Currency Trading

Fibonacci Retracement Trading Take Advantage

Fibonacci, Actually named Leonardo of Pisa, was born in Pisa, Italy about 1175 A.D.. Today, he is recognized as the greatest European mathematian of the middle ages. Fibonacci is credited with introducing the Arabic-Hindu numeral system to Europe. He also introduced the decimal system. Both became the basis of mathematics we use today. Enough background for now. Although Fibonacci covered…

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Forex Leading Indicators

Derived from the words “foreign exchange,” Forex is the largest financial market in the world. A highly liquid, voluminous market based on no specific fixed exchange, the forex is traded through financial institutions, dealers, brokers, banks and, most recently, private individuals. An up-and-coming endeavor for the smaller, personal investor, the forex market has only recently become accessible to such traders.…

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Stock Market

Trading Systems For Metastock

Trading systems for Metastock usually use indicators and oscillators known from the technical analysis. Apart form simple systems which are based on one or two indicators, there are also many complex platforms that are able to adapt themselves to the current market conditions. They recognize whether there is a trend or consolidation and choose the most suitable strategy. Metastock trading…

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Wealth Building

Moving Averages And Their Uses In Commodity Trading

A key component of technical analysis and perhaps one of the oldest indicators around, moving averages are time-tested and affective indicators. There are many types of moving averages with varying indicators, but the primary purpose of all types of moving averages remains the same. Their purpose is to reduce or remove noise from the daily price movements and attracted trends…

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