
Google Pagerank Toolbar Explained

This article will guide you through the importance of the toolbar, and its accuracy at reporting PageRank. I will also discuss the feature about it that most people, including many SEOs are not aware of. If you have an existing site, use this as a reference to ensure that you are using the toolbar properly. I am going to review…

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Carbohydrates And The Glycemic Index

You may have heard about the glycemic index and wondered what it is all about. The glycemic index is a ranking of carbohydrates based on their immediate effect on blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. It compares foods gram for gram of carbohydrate. Carbohydrates that breakdown quickly during digestion have the highest glycemic indexes. The blood glucose response is fast and…

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Web Hosting

Asian Countries Worried About Identity Theft

For many people in Singapore and other Asian countries, theft of their identities is the biggest worry they face, according to the latest Security Index. Eighty percent of people who were surveyed in Singapore along are worried about others stealing their identities or using their credit cards without their knowledge. Hong Kong and Malaysia had similar worries. The Security Index…

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Why Low Glycemic Foods

Some currently popular eating plans like The Perricone Prescription, A Week in the Zone and The Protein Power Lifeplan recommend low glycemic foods. The theory is that sugar and high glycemic carbs that rapidly convert to sugar trigger a release of insulin to control the level of sugar in the bloodstream. Excess sugar in the bloodstream is inflammatory and causes…

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Wealth Building

An Adjustable Rate Mortgage Can Be The Best Option

An adjustable rate mortgage, ARM, is a mortgage that has a varying interest rate on the note. For a lot of people this can be a very attractive option. The interest rate on the mortgage periodically adjusts based on an index. Because of the varying interest rate, borrowers may notice their payments changing over time. Adjustable rate mortgages are sometimes…

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Wealth Building

Statistics Can Be Our Friend

Dear Fellow-Investor. Every day the media is full of all kind of statistics and whether they are useful or not is up to each individual. When used properly, statistics can help investors make more informed decisions. The reasons why statistics are important are as follows: What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0 Haha Haha 0 Sad Sad 0…

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Dietary Fiber For Diabetes Heart And General Health

Most people understand the importance of dietary fiber in their diet. Much has been said about its importance in heart health, diabetes, cancer prevention, and even weight control. What is less well understood is how different types of fiber effect the body. Some provide fecal bulk, some are absorbed more quickly into the blood stream than others, and thus raise…

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How I Got My Site Into Google

Google calls Sitemaps “an experiment in web crawling”. In general, you place a sitemap on to your web server. This helps the crawlers identify the pages you have and add it to the search index. And when you update your site map (after changing a page or adding new content), it also marks the pages you’ve changed and makes a…

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Wealth Building

The Human Index

As the Dow approaches a new all-time high (the record close was 11,722.98), now would be a good time to take a break from the financial news found on your televisions, in your newspapers, (and yes) even on your computers. A new high is an empty headline. I’m not writing to tell you that; you already know that. What you…

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