
Can The Newer Technology Of Golf Clubs Improve Your Score

The newest golf clubs are much more high tech than even a few years ago. It seems easier than ever before to improve your game with a new golf club. The modern golf clubs are more lightweight and have larger sweet spots. They’re designed to help you hit more consistent shots, while allowing more room for mistakes. The old blade…

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Health Fitness

Stay Youthful The Latest Trends

Well, time machine non-withstanding, science is helping us find the secrets of eternal youth, telling us how the body can rejuvenate on its own. What better way than to start with something as natural as the body itself? What you eat It’s no secret that what you eat can dramatically improve your health, but what you choose to put in…

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Improve Your Body And Watch Your Swing Transform

Improve your body to maximize your swing. This may sound like an oxymoron, but I can speak for over 10,000 golfers worldwide who have done it. Through my online golf performance membership site, dvds and books, I’ve heard back from over 10,000 golfers the past 6 years who have seen dramatic improvements in the their swing and game. I have…

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Ways To Improve Your Credit Score Rating

Have you ever bothered to have a look at your credit score? Most of us are not even aware about the importance of maintaining a healthy credit score. If your credit report has a bad credit score rating it’s the time you start to improve your credit score rating. Credit score is just a three digit number but it has…

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Golf Fitness Helps You Play Your Best Golf

Typically you’ll hear a group of golfers all talking about the newest technology and what club or which ball they need to improve their golf game. We all want to believe that the newer golf technology will get us to the next level of play. While there may be some truth to the theory, more emphasis is being placed on…

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